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Tuesday 15 March 2016

Destructive infection of Ganoderma Boninense in an Oil Palm Plantation at Triang, Pahang

Early of January 2016, we visited an oil palm plantation at Triang, Pahang which badly infected by Ganoderma Boninense disease. Obviously the estate manager didn't do a good job to manage the situation or he just doesn't really care about it due to lack of knowledge on how to deal with such problem.

Conservative thinking and less awareness in disease control are reason of such disaster. We believe it's a very common attitude to many plantation managers especially the older generations. Their jobs are fertilizing (which at least 50% were wasted due to bad soil condition), weed killing (which herbicide always over dosage) and harvesting (as long as the tree is producing) till the diseased tree fall down.

As requested by the estate owner, we were there to give them a trial on our products, to educate them how to control the disease, how important the condition of soil could affect the tree health and yield and how to save cost on fertilizer and herbicide by using our product (GRAMAX+ and BiOZAP).

The entire oil palm estate is badly managed and showing sign of sickness. Leaves are falling and drying
A victim of Ganoderma Boninense disease
Butt rotten oil palm tree
Ganoderma Boninense detected on the butt, usually when you can see it that means it a little too late to save the tree as the internal butt has already rotten.
Another infected oil palm tree where external is just 2 small Ganoderma but internal had turn hollow (big hole on the upper left)
Worker applying treatment (GRAMAX+ 500ml mix into 20L water) by pouring the mixture around the tree butt 

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