Our product application is simple, easy and hassle free. Stay tuned for more field test results and customer's feedback, you'll be amazed how our product can save your corp, increase your yield and most importantly... recondition the soil from chemical pollution.
For more details, application advise or suggestion:
mobile: +6012-2417368
email: transworldinterresources@hotmail.com

Friday 26 February 2016

Our Flagship Product - BiOZAP

  • Fast burndown effect when tank mix with systemic herbicide (30mins rainfast) 
  • Quick knockdown effect when tank mix systemic insecticidal effect (improve bio-efficacy performance) 
  • Reduce application “half rate” of systemic herbicide/fungicide/insecticide (synergistic effect) 
  • Cut down on inorganic chemistry agrochemical (reduce pollution) 
  • Multiply gram (+) bacteria and suppress soil-borne pathogen and water-borne pathogen (disease control)

BiOZAP propagate gram (+) bacteria and suppress gram (-) bacteria and fungus. On contact BiOZAP naturally inserts themselves into the lipid bi-layer of the fungal & gram (-) bacteria & nematode membranes and physically disturbs the membrane, resulting in increased fluidity of the membrane. These elevations in membrane fluidity will cause a generalized disorganization of the cell membrane that leads to conformational changes in membrane proteins, the release of intracellular components, cytoplasmic disorder and eventually cell disintegration. BiOZAP high carbon content is readily an energy source for gram (+) to thrive and multiply rapidly

Irrigation water can become contaminated through a variety of ways and can potentially spread bacteria, fungus, viruses, and parasites to crops. Contaminated water that is used during crop production, harvesting, and processing can lead to many issues affecting yield.When soil microflora is imbalance, plant health deteriorates and outbreak of diseases will cause severe financial loss.


  1. Does BiOZAP effective in treating figs rust leaves and rust spores?
