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Friday 26 February 2016

Our Flagship Product - GRAMAX+

  • Multiply effective microbe (Gram +)
  • Improve soil aggregation (ameliorant)
  • Stimulate root growth & plant strength
  • Increase fixation of atmospheric nitrogen
  • Healthy microflora to improve yield (bio-fertilizer)
  • Suppression of soil-borne pathogen

GRAMAX+ is a high carbon energy source for microbes to thrive and rapidly multiply Gram (+) bacteria (effective microbes) thus suppressing potential pathogen.

It is estimated that the number of bacteria in soil is more than 100 million per gram of soil. In reduced tillage agriculture system, the ratio of fungi to bacteria increase over time since chemical fertilizers (nitrogenous fertilizers) damage the environment. In contrast, bio-fertilizers lead to soil enrichment and are compatible with long-term sustainability. Further they are ecofriendly and pose no danger to the environment.

Soil microorganisms are the driving force behind maintaining the long-term fertility of an agro ecosystem. Nitrogen fixation refers to the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen gas (N2) into a form usable by plants and other organisms. Nitrogen fixation is conducted by a variety of bacteria, both as free-living organisms and in symbiotic association with plants. Because it is the principal source of the nitrogen in the soil, nitrogen that plants need to grow, nitrogen fixation is one of the most important biochemical processes on Earth.

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