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Monday 29 February 2016

Ganoderma Boninense treatment for oil palm in a plantation at Melaka

Whatever happen in the lab is just a figure on paper. To our product the field test is a much bigger lab and more challenging as we need to face the mother nature. So we carry a product trial in an oil palm plantation at Melaka. The application is easy and simple, a mixture of GRAMAX+ (500ml) into 20L water and pour around the tree butt.

Plantation worker applying treatment to oil palm with Ganoderma Boninense infection.

The butt is full of Ganoderma Boninense, soon enough the tree will rot and fall without proper care and treatment.
The result showing a good sign of cure by eliminating the Ganoderma Boninense after 30 days.
Many say that the Ganoderma Boninense is incurable. It's deadly like a cancer to any oil palm tree. Once infected and the tree will die eventually, but it seems like our product GRAMAX+ has given the palm tree a new hope of surviving! And most importantly a solution to estate owner to cut down their losses.

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