Our product application is simple, easy and hassle free. Stay tuned for more field test results and customer's feedback, you'll be amazed how our product can save your corp, increase your yield and most importantly... recondition the soil from chemical pollution.
For more details, application advise or suggestion:
mobile: +6012-2417368
email: transworldinterresources@hotmail.com

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Destructive infection of Ganoderma Boninense in an Oil Palm Plantation at Triang, Pahang

Early of January 2016, we visited an oil palm plantation at Triang, Pahang which badly infected by Ganoderma Boninense disease. Obviously the estate manager didn't do a good job to manage the situation or he just doesn't really care about it due to lack of knowledge on how to deal with such problem.

Conservative thinking and less awareness in disease control are reason of such disaster. We believe it's a very common attitude to many plantation managers especially the older generations. Their jobs are fertilizing (which at least 50% were wasted due to bad soil condition), weed killing (which herbicide always over dosage) and harvesting (as long as the tree is producing) till the diseased tree fall down.

As requested by the estate owner, we were there to give them a trial on our products, to educate them how to control the disease, how important the condition of soil could affect the tree health and yield and how to save cost on fertilizer and herbicide by using our product (GRAMAX+ and BiOZAP).

The entire oil palm estate is badly managed and showing sign of sickness. Leaves are falling and drying
A victim of Ganoderma Boninense disease
Butt rotten oil palm tree
Ganoderma Boninense detected on the butt, usually when you can see it that means it a little too late to save the tree as the internal butt has already rotten.
Another infected oil palm tree where external is just 2 small Ganoderma but internal had turn hollow (big hole on the upper left)
Worker applying treatment (GRAMAX+ 500ml mix into 20L water) by pouring the mixture around the tree butt 

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Weed Control Trial - BiOZAP the bio-booster and crop management enhancer

In large scale farming, weed control is another headache issue which bothering many farmers and plantation workers. There are many herbicides available in the market with one aim - kill the weed. Among all the brands, Paraquat is the superstar due to its superior effect and performance. Certainly such a high toxic product had been banned in many countries because its not only killing weed but also harmful to other living creature especially endanger the applicant life.

In the same time, herbicide toxicity will leave numbers of side effects to the eco system as well such as destroying the good microbes inhabitant in the soil. And the worst part is all these negative impacts are hardly biodegradable but will be retained in the environment for years or even decades.

To stop the usage of herbicide in large scale farming is a fairy tales, but to reduce its dosage and quantity in every application has made possible by adding our product - BiOZAP the bio-booster.

Weed control test (BiOZAP and water mix ratio 1:100 where herbicide reduce by half rate)
Obvious sign of drying after 2 and a half hours. Mixture of BiOZAP with systemic herbicide able to achieve a fast burndown effect and 30 minutes of rainfastness.
With just a 1% BiOZAP mixture and reduce the herbicide dosage by half, we kill the weed in style - not only faster and more effective but safer to environment and reduce pollution as well.

Monday 7 March 2016

Rubber tree survived from Rigidoporus microporus infection (white root disease) after GRAMAX+ treatment

In Malaysia, rubber trees planting is the second largest agriculture business after oil palm. While oil palm is invaded by Ganoderma boninense, rubber tree also struggling from Rigidoporus microporus infection (aka white root disease)

Rubber tree suffered from Rigidoporus microporus infection (white root disease)

Our duty doesn't end with the significant lab test result, in fact we move on to the real battlefield - a rubber tree estate which infected with Rigidoporus microporus in Melaka.

Rubber tree cured from Rigidoporus microporus infection with many green and healthy new growth leaves.

4 weeks after GRAMAX+ treatment, we had win the battle obviously and save the tree from Rigidoporus microporus infection.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Product Lab Test GRAMAX+ (Code: Bio-zap 9) against Rigidoporus microporus (white root disease) on rubber trees

Lab test showing significant result of GRAMAX+ (product code: Bio-zap 9) on suppressing the disease of Rigidoporus microporus (white root rot) which bring deadly infection to rubber trees.

Note: 'ppmexpressed as milligrams per liter (mg/L) in the lab test. As shown in the chart a volume of 200ppm had 100% successfully suppressed the growth of Rigidoporus microporus in 10 days which equal to a mixtures of 2ml into 10L of water. Somehow on field, dosage and mix ratio will be vary depends on level of infection, climate, humidity as well as other outdoor conditions.

Product Lab Test GRAMAX+ (Code: Bio-zap 9) against Rigidoporus microporus (white root disease)

Wednesday 2 March 2016

What are GRAMAX+ and BiOZAP actually?

Some people might have question about our products since its carry multi functions from soil energizer, plant growth booster to disease treatment. Briefly explain, our product is not fertilizer as it doesn't contain any NPK. It's not EM (Effective microorganism) as it doesn't contain any microbe as well.

We categorized our product as 'Carbon Fix Solution':

  • an organic based chemistry solution which easy biodegradable.
  • high carbon content provide energy source for microbes.
  • renewable material and sustainable solution.
  • earth friendly, pollution free and non toxic.
GRAMAX + and BiOZAP suppress pathogen to ensure healthy growth and crop’s yield by breaking the bacteria peptidoglycan layer of gram (-) and as an energy source for gram (+) 

Monday 29 February 2016

Ganoderma Boninense treatment for oil palm in a plantation at Melaka

Whatever happen in the lab is just a figure on paper. To our product the field test is a much bigger lab and more challenging as we need to face the mother nature. So we carry a product trial in an oil palm plantation at Melaka. The application is easy and simple, a mixture of GRAMAX+ (500ml) into 20L water and pour around the tree butt.

Plantation worker applying treatment to oil palm with Ganoderma Boninense infection.

The butt is full of Ganoderma Boninense, soon enough the tree will rot and fall without proper care and treatment.
The result showing a good sign of cure by eliminating the Ganoderma Boninense after 30 days.
Many say that the Ganoderma Boninense is incurable. It's deadly like a cancer to any oil palm tree. Once infected and the tree will die eventually, but it seems like our product GRAMAX+ has given the palm tree a new hope of surviving! And most importantly a solution to estate owner to cut down their losses.

Saturday 27 February 2016

Product Lab Test GRAMAX+ (Code: Bio-zap 9) against Ganoderma Boninense

Lab test showing significant result of GRAMAX+ (product code: Bio-zap 9) on eliminating the fungal of Ganoderma Boninense which bring deadly infection to oil palm.